How we operate.

  • Program I: Education and Action

    Our plan is to create a program that identifies schools and locations with a lack of or no art education funding. Once we identify a school and area, the plan is to approach the school and offer the program that we would like to integrate. The program will begin with a proposed mural funded by SAF at the school and is to be completed with the students. Furthermore, SAF will create an application in which kids who attend the school can apply to receive funding from SAF for outsourced art classes and the necessary art supplies.

    a. What is the activity? Painting murals at schools in collaboration with the students. Funding student art classes outside of their school with art supplies included.

    b. Who conducts the activity? SAF paints the murals with the students. The students will apply to receive funding from SAF for external art classes and the supplies needed.

    c. Where is the activity conducted? The activity will be conducted throughout Southern California and eventually nationwide. The mural is conducted at the selected school. The external art classes will vary on location based on the school chosen.

    d. What percentage of your total time is allocated to the activity? 20% - 40% based on the current programs being executed at the time.

    e. How is the activity funded (for example, donations, fees, etc.) and what percentage of your overall expenses is allocated to this activity? Donations and grants. 25%

    f. How does the activity further your exempt purposes? Program one focuses on youth art education and community engagement. By giving students fully funded artistic opportunities, we can immediately open their mind to artistic practices in which they would not encounter without SAF. Additionally, we will be providing work for a local professional artist. The idea here is teaching and enabling through action.

    Estimated cost per project:


    External Classes - $6,000

    Art supplies for mural - $2,000

    Artist - $2,000

  • Program II: Introduction to the Professional Art World

    This program is focused on juniors and seniors in high school that are about to be pushed into the professional world. The goal is to give them an art show, teach them the essentials of being a professional artist, and introduce them to art world contacts.

    a. What is the activity? The activity will be composed of art shows, art classes, networking integration, and an introduction to the necessary tools that professional artists are required to have (i.e. artist bio, artist statements, creating a portfolio/website, writing a cv, etc.). The goal of this activity is to bridge the gap between young artists and the professional art world. Focusing on high school students approaching graduation, we will teach them necessary skills, provide opportunities to exhibit their work, and integrate them into our established network in the art industry.

    b. Who conducts the activity? SAF’s operating officers will be solely responsible for teaching classes, organizing exhibitions, and the introductions to our network. The students will be responsible for completing the application process and the execution of the educational side of the program.

    c. Where is the activity conducted? The activity will be conducted at our sole member’s gallery and studios in Downtown, Los Angeles.

    d. What percentage of your total time is allocated to the activity? 20-40% based on the current programs being executed at the time.

    e. How is the activity funded (for example, donations, fees, etc.) and what percentage of your overall expenses is allocated to this activity? The activity will be funded through donations, grants, application fees and commission on art sales.

    f. How does the activity further your exempt purposes? This activity immediately impacts the trajectory of high school artists careers. By providing these resources we are giving invaluable opportunities to young artists to excel in the art world.

    Estimated cost per project:


    Gallery work and time - $3,000

    Materials to prepare for the show, cleaning supplies, vinyl, etc. - $2,000

    Museum visits - $1,000

  • Taj Matumbi

    Program III: Young Professionals at Risk

    This activity is creating grants for young professional artists (between the ages of 18 - 30) that they can use for art materials, studio space, and other essential art related needs. This program is design to enable young professional artists to continue their practice.

    a. What is the activity? The activity is providing funding to young professional artists through grants to continue their attempt at pursuing art as a career. Artists will have the opportunity to apply, state their current situation, and obtain a grant which funds art related necessities.

    b. Who conducts the activity? SAF’s operating officers will be responsible for managing applications, writing grants. The Board of Directors will be responsible for allocating the funds. The individual artists are responsible for completing applications explaining their situation, and the appropriate use of the funds (supplies, studio space, etc.).

    c. Where is the activity conducted? Throughout Southern California and eventually nationwide.

    d. What percentage of your total time is allocated to the activity? 10%

    e. How is the activity funded (for example, donations, fees, etc.) and what percentage of your overall expenses is allocated to this activity? The activity is funded through donations, grants and application fees. 20%

    f. How does the activity further your exempt purposes? This program identifies, enables, and funds the continuation of young professional artists’ careers.

    Estimated cost per project:

    $1,000 per grant

  • Program IV: School's At Risk

    This program is based around school’s applying to SAF to receive a grant that keeps their art program intact.

    a. What is the activity? The activity consists of schools applying to receive an SAF funded grant to continue their art program.

    b. Who conducts the activity? There are two parts to who conducts the activity. Firstly, SAF will be responsible for raising funds, managing applications, and writing grants. Secondly, the chosen schools will be responsible for continuing their arts education program and allocating the funds appropriately. Each educational institution is responsible for completing the application which explains the current status of their at risk arts program and why they deserve the funding.

    c. Where is the activity conducted? Southern California at the selected schools.

    d. What percentage of your total time is allocated to the activity? 10%

    e. How is the activity funded (for example, donations, fees, etc.) and what percentage of your overall expenses is allocated to this activity? The activity is funded through donations, fundraising and application fees. Depending on the amount of funds raised it will fluctuate between 10% - 30%.

    f. How does the activity further your exempt purposes? Through this activity we will be completely saving schools art programs. We are furthering students' ability to learn in a creative way and keeping art based education in the given schools curriculum. Additionally, we will be saving art teachers' careers.

    Estimated cost per project:


    Art teacher salary - $40,000

    Class supplies - $20,000

    *this program will not be launched until SAF has raised enough funds to continue the first three programs and additionally support this one.